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Fate That Twists Her

Fate That Twists Her

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Laurel Dane's life is at a crossroads. In the third installment of the Appleman’s Gap series, Laurel faces new dangers and deeply personal challenges that could change her future forever.

As her wedding to Brad Tate approaches, Laurel finds herself questioning everything. Torn between her commitment to the F.B.I. and the allure of starting her own private investigation firm, she struggles with the professional and personal conflicts that have become her constant companions. Her pregnancy adds a sense of urgency, but it also brings her unresolved childhood trauma to the forefront—memories of being kidnapped by the very syndicate she now hunts.

As if the emotional turmoil wasn't enough, a sudden crisis strikes Appleman’s Gap, putting the Dane family home and their beloved apple orchard at risk. Amidst the chaos, Laurel must rally to support her family while continuing her relentless pursuit of justice.

In Fate That Twists Her, Laurel Dane faces daunting challenges. With her baby due soon and her wedding on the line, she must navigate a labyrinth of personal and professional dilemmas. Can Laurel untangle the twisted threads of her life before it’s too late?

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About the Appleman's Gap Series:

In the heart of Tennessee, nestled east of Nashville, lies Appleman’s Gap—a town as picturesque as it is laden with secrets. Dive into a deeply emotional journey of discovery, healing, and the bonds that tether us to home.

Books are best read in order.

Preorder Book 4 in the series, Those Who Chase Her.

Look Inside

Chapter 1

Laurel Dane reclined on her plush gray sofa, the only piece of furniture in her Washington, D.C-area condo that hadn’t yet been loaded onto the moving truck. Her burgeoning belly was becoming unwieldy. She wouldn’t have been much help, if she’d tried.

“I’m supervising,” she said playfully as Brad walked past with his umpteenth box of household goods.

Brad chuckled, adjusting his grip on the box. "Supervising? Is that what we’re calling it now?" He bent over to kiss her gently on the lips.

Laurel grinned, patting her belly. "That's right. Baby and I are doing the hard work here."

Mikey, Maggie, Hazel, and Ryan bustled around, each sibling carrying boxes and carefully wrapping fragile items. The camaraderie and banter between them filled the space with warmth and laughter. It had been a long time since the five of them were all together outside of an event hosted by their parents. There was a different energy within the group today. It was nice.

Ryan, the youngest of the Dane siblings, approached with a lopsided smile. "Need anything, Sis?"

Ryan had been generous in not holding it against Laurel that she’d suspected him of fathering Jamie Beck’s baby. He was a decent guy. Especially because he’d also expressed support for their dad, who was the actual father of the young woman’s love child. Ryan’s wavy, dark hair contrasted with the blues in his flannel shirt. He looked like he was ready to star in some teeny-bopper clothing company’s ad. That or a boy band, should those ever make a comeback.

Laurel shook her head. "Just keep doing what you're doing. You all are amazing."

Hazel rolled her eyes as she walked by with a stack of books. "Don’t let it go to your head. We’re only doing this because you’re pregnant."

Hazel was probably irritable because she’d left her cats, Crook and Chase, at home with their mom. That and the fact that Laurel had played a part in Hazel’s boyfriend being arrested a few months back. Hazel had liked Kevin Clark, despite his involvement with the criminal element in their hometown.

Hazel’s hair was nearly the same shade of dark brown as Ryan’s, making the two youngest Dane siblings look so similar, they could pass as twins. Fraternal twins, of course, but people rarely thought about specifics like that. Hazel and Ryan appeared to go together. The family resemblance was strong.

“Yeah, right,” Maggie chimed in, placing a box of kitchenware on the floor. “We all know you’re the favorite. We’re just living up to our reputations as the dutiful siblings.”

Laurel laughed. "And you’re doing a fantastic job of it."
The sound of tape being pulled and boxes being shuffled filled the air. Despite the chaos of moving, there was a sense of camaraderie that Laurel cherished. They were a team, a family, and soon they’d all be back in Appleman’s Gap, facing whatever challenges awaited them.

It had taken Laurel a long time and a lot of soul searching to make the decision to move back to Tennessee. The Washington, D.C. area—and specifically, her condo in Arlington—had been her happy home for years. She had been recruited by the F.B.I. in D.C. while playing French horn for the U.S. Navy Band, and she’d started her law-enforcement career there after completing training in Quantico. Laurel and Brad had met and fallen in love in the D.C. area. His condo had been just a few miles away in Alexandria, before he’d sold it and moved to Appleman’s Gap. The bottom line—she had become a full-fledged adult in our nation’s capital. The city would always hold a special place in her heart.

Brad appeared again, slightly out of breath. His muscles rippled. Laurel wasn’t sure whether he was flexing on purpose, but she enjoyed the show.

"The truck's almost full. Just a few more boxes to go," he said.

“Good,” Laurel said. “I’m ready for a break.”

The door to the condo swung open, and Jimmy Paulson walked in, looking around at the half-empty space. Laurel’s friend and Special Agent in Charge was still noticeably tanned from his trip to Antigua a couple of months prior. You could tell because he was bald as a q-ball. The top of his head was a darker shade than his usual light pink. Laurel put a hand over her mouth, amused.

"Looks like you guys have been busy," Jimmy said.

"Just a bit," Brad replied, wiping sweat from his forehead. It was late March, and temps outside were beginning to warm. "Glad you could make it."

Jimmy grinned. "Wouldn’t miss it. Where do you need me?"

“Anywhere you see a box,” Laurel said, pointing toward the kitchen.

“You’re gonna sit around and watch us work?” he asked her, teasingly.

“That’s the plan.”

Jimmy joined in the effort, quickly blending into the rhythm of packing and moving. Despite his tough exterior and gruff demeanor, he was a natural fit with the Dane siblings.

Laurel appreciated his presence, knowing he had come to mean a lot to her over the past few years.

After the last box was loaded onto the truck, they all stood around the condo, surveying the now-empty space. It felt surreal to Laurel, leaving behind the life she had built in D.C. for the uncertainty that awaited back home.

"All right, troops," Brad announced, clapping his hands together. "Let's head to the Cherry Blossom Festival for some fun before we hit the road tomorrow morning. The blooms are one of the most spectacular things you’ll ever see."

Laurel nodded. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be right to visit when the festival is happening and not go see all of that beauty in person. They’re crowning the Cherry Blossom Queen this afternoon at the Capitol Hilton.”

“Don’t forget the parade,” Jimmy added. “It’s happening first.”

The group agreed enthusiastically, eager for a bit of fun after the morning’s hard work. The Danes and Brad would all be staying in a hotel that evening, since there were no beds left in Laurel’s condo. It was beginning to feel like they were all on vacation together.

With Brad’s arm wrapped snugly around her waist, Laurel said a tearful goodbye to her former home. Then they piled onto the Metrorail and headed to the spot on Constitution Avenue where they’d watch the procession.

As they made their way to the festival, the city was alive with the sights and sounds of spring. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, painting the landscape with delicate pinks and whites. The festival atmosphere was infectious, lifting everyone’s spirits. Even the aroma filling the air was sweet from the fragrant blooms. It reminded Laurel of the scent of the Dane family’s apple orchard in spring. It made her smile.

The group arrived downtown, joining the throngs of people enjoying the festivities. Food vendors, performers, and artists filled the area, creating a vibrant tapestry of activity. They found a spot near the edge of the street where they could watch the colorful floats and marching bands go by.

“Look at that one!” Hazel exclaimed, pointing to a float adorned with cherry blossom trees and traditional Japanese lanterns. “It’s beautiful.”

Mikey nodded in agreement. “It sure is. Makes you appreciate the effort people put into these things. I’ll bet most of these floats took hours to make.”

“More like days,” Brad said.

“True, true,” Ryan agreed.

When the parade was finished, Laurel, Brad, and the siblings strolled through the festival, enjoying the sights and sounds as they moved toward the Hilton. They paused at various booths, sampling treats and admiring the crafts on display. It was a perfect way to unwind after the hectic morning.

“Look over there,” Hazel said, pointing towards the main stage set up outside of the hotel. She was becoming more relaxed, thanks to a couple of beers she’d purchased from a street vendor. “Isn’t that Senator Hampton?”

Laurel’s gaze followed her sister’s finger. Sure enough, Eric Hampton stood on the stage, preparing to participate in the ceremony to crown the Cherry Blossom Queen. Seeing him brought a rush of memories, both sweet and bittersweet.

Della Brady, Laurel’s friend and another Special Agent in Charge at the Bureau, arrived at that moment, her presence adding a layer of complexity to the situation. She greeted the group warmly, but Laurel could sense the underlying tension. Eric was someone they had both cared for deeply, and now his presence stirred emotions that neither of them had fully resolved. It was a strange merging of people and place.

“That’s him,” Laurel confirmed, after giving Della a quick hug. “He still looks good. The stress of being a U.S. Senator hasn’t aged him too much.”

Della raised her brow. “I’m not sure I agree. I had him first, and he’s got more mileage on him as compared to those days. Our days.”

It was a tricky subject between the friends. Della had dated Eric first. Laurel had dated him months later, although they’d never pieced that fact together until one day when Laurel and Eric had run into Della at a cafe in Georgetown. Both relationships had been serious. Della had spent the better part of two years with the now-senator. Laurel had spent one.

“Easy girls,” Brad said with a smile.

Brad knew the story. He wasn’t the jealous type, and he was easy going about Laurel’s former relationships. That didn’t mean he didn’t care, though. He intended to be sure his fiance remembered that she was going home with him at night.

“Why do I feel like there’s a story here? Are we missing something?” Maggie asked, tossing her long, red hair over one shoulder. The humidity was making it curl more than usual.

“I’ll fill you in later,” Mikey said.

As the second oldest and the closest in age to Laurel, Mikey was often privy to more information about his big sister’s life than the younger siblings were.

Maggie nodded, happy enough with her brother’s response. “Thanks.”

As the ceremony began, the crowd’s attention shifted to the stage. Eric was in his element, charming and poised, as he spoke to the audience. Laurel couldn’t help but feel a pang of admiration for him, mixed with the inevitable what-ifs.

Suddenly, though, the atmosphere changed.

Della’s phone rang, and she answered it with a furrowed brow.

Jimmy’s phone rang, too, which set off alarm bells for Laurel. If both Special Agents in Charge were being called at the same time, something serious must be happening. Della’s expression shifted from confusion to shock, and then to panic.

“What’s going on?” Brad asked, concern evident in his voice.

Laurel shook her head, her own worry mounting. “I don’t know, but it looks serious.”

Answering their question, Jimmy covered the speaker on his phone with one hand long enough to whisper, “The senator’s son has been kidnapped.”

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Dianne Smith
Love this Series

In Book 3 of this series Laurel Dane faces new dangers, all the while struggling with professional and personal challenges. As the story continues, you become more immersed in it and the characters become more familiar plus old and new relationships are developed. This series has so much going for it, it’s thrilling, it’s full of suspense, and there’s plenty of romance. So much is happening in Appleman’s Gap and it’s not all good. Another kidnapping takes place and several children are discovered in a location where they should not be. Is all this the work of The Cradler?

I’m so frustrated because I’m good at this! I always solve the mystery! But not this time. I have so many thoughts on who might be involved and who The Cradler is; but I just don’t know!!! Well played Kelly Utt; you’re keeping me guessing. This is the kind of story that stays with you long after it ends. I just want more, plain and simple. Oh wait, there is more, Book 4 is coming soon and it’s available for preordering now. Guess I better tie up this review and place my order for Those who Chase Her! And that is my recommendation to you as well.

Rosemary Kenny
Laurel and Brad Name The Day!

Appleman's Gap Book 4, Fate That Twists Her is an absolutely unputdownable thriller, set in the rural community where a serial child trafficker operates a seemingly undetectable network.
FBI Agents Della, Laurel and others must deal with both professional and personal issues which seem to be inextricably linked.
With a tornado adding to the maelstrom of events and leading to a thrilling climax, you're sure to become fully immersed in the storyline and love the diverse characters in Fate That Twists Her by Kelly Utt, so grab a copy today!